Superb Mini Server

!!!What You Need to Do!!!

Hylafax Server needs a modem! Default setup is under ttyS0 (serial port 1).
If you planning on using the server you probably need to run 'faxaddmodem' command to setup your modem and phone details...
[SMS] Superb Mini Server is a server with all the functions of a full server, satisfying the needs of even the most demanding administrators while it can be used from simple users -with no knowledge of linux- to download torrents safely and secure through TorrentFlux, Rtorrent or Trasmission.

The LiveCD created with linux-live scripts and the livecd's text-installer taken from Slax's development.
SMS LiveCD it's for testing and demostration mostly, it's recommended to use the NativeCD version for HDD installations.

Superb Mini Server has no GUI (kde, gnome, xfce) is console based OS and is manageable through webmin interface.
Although there is an Add-on package of KDE for those who want it.
The purpose of this server is to set it up, plug the Ethernet and leave it be. All the manage is done through web interface or you can use a SSH client such as PuTTY

Basic setups are already being done and Superb Mini Server is ready out of the box...
Access the webmin interface on port 10000 via https://sms:10000 or else https:// [your current IP] :10000
Default passwords are:
root password is toor
Webmin Login: admin : admin
TorrentFlux Login: admin : admin

Samba Shares are:
Samba @ SMS  path=/var/smb/samba/     (Read/write to everyone)
Faxes  path=/var/spool/hylafax/recvg/        (Read/write to everyone)
TorrentFlux Downloads  path=/var/smb/tflux_downloads/       (Read/write to everyone)
Placed under Workgroup=WORKGROUP
AFP Shares are:
AFP @ SMS  path=/var/afp/shares/     (Read/write to everyone)

FTP Accounts are:
webftp:webftp  path=/srv/httpd/htdocs/     (Read)
ftpuser:ftpuser  path=/var/ftp/        (Read/write)

WebERP demo account is:  admin:weberp
PHPLdapAdmin: toor
AvantFax: admin:password

-To install on hard disk type sms-text-installer after the cd boot into Live mode or use SMS.Native.CD-Install.iso (recommended)-
For more help you can visit

-SMS-  Superb Mini Server © 2007
SMS Supported by
ChameleonJohn - Promo Codes & Discounts