Superb Mini Server
Superb Mini Server Project FAQ

Superb Mini Server Project FAQ

  1. What is S*M*S ?
  2. What can I do with S*M*S ?
  3. Why Slackware?
  4. S*M*S is a liveCD only?
  5. What are the minimum system requirements for running S*M*S?
  6. How do I install SMS to my USB Flash Disk?
  7. What is SMS.Native.CD?
  8. What is .xzm and how do I use them?
  9. How do I install S*M*S to my Hard Disk?
  10. Do I need to Do something or S*M*S is ready out of the box?
  11. Why I keep getting mails from HylaFAX Server?
  12. How much it costs?
  13. I just want to use it as a torrent station and download torrents do I need all the other stuff?

What is S*M*S ? top
S*M*S stands for Superb Mini Server, and is a full feature Linux Server in a small size.

What can I do with S*M*S ? top
Well you can do almost everything; it's a powerful full feature server with: DNS, DHCP, File, Print and FAX Server, iptables firewall, mail server with spam filter and antivirus scanner, and all the benefits of a powerful Slackware Server and a torrent station at the same time for simple users that want to download torrents safely and secure.

Why Slackware? top
Two Reasons a. I like it and I find it the best Linux distro for me ;-) b. Because for Servers you want simplicity and stability, and I didn't find anything other more stable and secure than Slackware...

S*M*S is a liveCD only? top
Superb Mini Server is a Live CD with the ability to be installed on hard disk (recommended) or USB disk.

What are the minimum system requirements for running S*M*S? top
To boot into Live mode any Pentium class processor 500MHz or AMD K2 and above will do, as for the RAM you will need at least 128MB (256MB recommended). Booting in a slow computer with 128MB might output error with clamav-milter (needs to increase the time for loading), after you install it on disk there will be no such problem. Don’t forget that it’s a server , put a decent machine on it.

How do I install SMS to my USB Flash Disk? top
Copy the contents of the ISO (boot, sms) to your usb stick and run "boot/"

What is SMS.Native.CD? top
SMS.Native.CD is NOT a LiveCD but a native installation of S*M*S like any other distro (Slackware). It uses classic Slackware's installer, and the advantage is that is having a lot of add-on packages to choose during the installation, such as kde add-on, Layer7 pathed kernel and iptables and many more.

What is .lzm and how do I use them? top
If you are not familiar with other linux-live-scripts based Live CDs or Slax, .xzm is module format a.k.a add-on packages. xzm replace .mo extension from 5 series linux-live-scripts. To use them just add them in your modules folder of SMS liveCD and rebuild the iso. If you installed your SMS on disk Live or Native you can use 'xzm2dir' command to install the add-on package to your system. example. " xzm2dir package.lzm / ".

How do I install S*M*S to my Hard Disk? top
After you boot into live mode login as root with password toor and type "sms-text-installer" then you will be guided to the install proccess...

Do I need to Do something or S*M*S is ready out of the box? top
It depends on what you want to do... Basic setups are already being done, so in many cases you don't have to do anything at all. On other cases for instance if you want to use HylaFAX server you need to add a modem on it. Default setup is under ttyS0 (Comm 1) and you need to run "faxaddmodem" to setup modem and phone details.

Why I keep getting mails from HylaFAX Server? top
HylaFAX server needs a modem. Default setup is under ttyS0 (Serial Prot - Comm 1) if you plug an external modem it's ready, but you still need to setup your phone details... If you want to send and receive faxes then you will need two modems. If you don't want to use the server just disable it.

How much it costs? top
Superb Mini Server is under the terms of GPL (General Public License) and it's absolutely free to use, modify it or distribute it.

I just want to use it as a torrent station and download torrents do I need all the other stuff? top
You probably don't. Just disable FAX, BIND and all the services you don't want to use except the SAMBA server or you will not have access to your downloads..

Superb Mini Server doesn't have X window server to be light and small... There is a light X window with KDE add-on for users that want it for Download... To install KDE just install the add-on package provided in the download area.


-SMS-  Superb Mini Server © 2016